BlackSeaRama News
Operating hours in November
Friends of BlackSeaRama - Finals & Results
Course news: Aeration procedure on 23-25.10
BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas honoured with Beyond Customer Satisfaction 2017 Award
Wedding Expo BlackSeaRama 2017

We would like to inform you about the Operating Hours of BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas in November. From the 06th to the 20th of November 2017 BlackSeaRama Pro Shop and Golf Course are operating daily from 09:00 to 17:00 o’clock. The Driving range closes at 15:00 o’clock.

The sunny October morning on Saturday, 21st welcomed all Friends of BlackSeaRama for Oktoberfest, the closing tournament of golf season 2017.

In order to keep our greens in perfect condition, an aeration procedure will be made from 23rd to 25th of October. Please consider that aeration is merely a short-term disruption that has long-term benefits, but the BlackSeaRama signature golf course will remain open during the procedure.

BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas received Beyond Customer Satisfaction Award for its continuous work in the customer service field at a gala ceremony at Corso Sofia on November, 11th.

On October 8, 2017, for the fourth consecutive year, BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas hosted the BlackSeaRama Wedding Expo. Future brides and grooms, together with their closest friends gathered in the EVENTUM Hall, to meet the best wedding agents and inspiring fresh and modern ideas for their wedding day.