BlackSeaRama News
Join us for the Easter edition of Friends Of BlackSeaRama League!
5th BSR Pro-AM 16-21 July 2013 information!
Pro Tip April 2013
Mercedes Trophy 2013 coming back at BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas!
Friends of BlackSeaRama results

Dear Golfers,
Join us for the Friends of BlackSeaRama Easter Edition, Sunday 5th of May 2013.
Join us for the Friends of BlackSeaRama Easter Edition, Sunday 5th of May 2013.

The traditional annual "BlackSeaRama Pro-Am" will be held in July 16-21, 2013 at the cosy BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas resort, in the North East of Varna region.

When you go to the driving range,the first thing to do is warm up your body. Then start with chipping. Take time and make sure you do the basics:

It is our great pleasure to announce the hosting of Mercedes Trophy Bulgaria 2013. BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas is proud to be part of the largest and most important national golf event.

Thank you for sharing with us the wonderful Sunday!
Check out the winners of the opening tournament of Friends of BlackSeaRama.
Check out the winners of the opening tournament of Friends of BlackSeaRama.