BlackSeaRama News
First challenge for 2015: The Opening Tournament on March 28
Culinary moments: With a scent of cumin, honey & cinnamon
2015 Season Kick-Off on February 28
Winter Closing of BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas
BlackSeaRama honoured with Beyond Customer Satisfaction 2014 Award

Join us for the Friends of BlackSeaRama Opening Tournament on March, 28th. Following the tradition the overall league winner (4 league tournaments in 2015) is going to win a BlackSeaRama 2016 Annual Membership.

We invite you to visit the Clubhouse Bistro until the end of March and experience the very best our Chef Kirin has to offer as getting the flavor of the food right is the biggest challenge for any cook. Great flavor begins with simple ingredients and continues with culinary imagination.

After three month winter pause we are pleased to announce BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas reopening on February 28th. The golf course is working daily if weather permits and from the 28th of February until the 08th of March there is a special -50% green fee rate for the keenest golfers.

BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas will be closing for the 2014 season on December 1, 2014 and re-open on February 28, 2015 weather permiting. BlackSeaRama team kindly thanks to all of You for the amazing season and hopes to see You again in 2015.

BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas received a distinctive award for its continuous work in the customer service field at a gala ceremony hosted by Park Inn Radisson Sofia on November, 6th. Chief organizer of the event was ExTempore - a leading agency with extensive international experience for training and development of staff in the service industry.